Venus la Universal
Husband and wife team Sara Pérez and René Barbier (Fils) are the children of two great pioneers of the Priorat D.O., Josep Lluis Pérez of Mas Martinet and René Barbier of Clos Mogador. Sara and René are respected vignerons in their own right, so it seemed natural that they should start a project together. For this project, they decided to stake their claim not in Priorat, but in the slightly sleepier D.O. of Monsant.
René and Sara have taken the goddess Venus as their inspiration for this project. One of their stated goals is “to interpret femininity through a bottle of wine”. The grapes for the wines come from an approximate total of four hectares of vineyards which are owned by four different grape-growing families in Falset, as well as another small plot owned by Venus. One could call Venus a négociant project, but it is more accurate to say that it is a partnership between these four families and René and Sara.