Grape Of The Week: Raboso

A cousin of Lambrusco, Raboso grapes are thought to be named after the Raboso river, which flows through part of Veneto, Italy. Raboso also sounds similar to the Italian word rabbioso which means angry, and is considered a response to the feisty high tannins and acidity that can be found in Raboso wines. 

Raboso wines

There are two Raboso varietals, Raboso Piave and Raboso Veronese, which are similar in style but differ in appearance among other things. Normally medium-bodied and ruby in color, Raboso wines tend to have notes of violets and cherries. An excellent food companion, it can be paired with most pasta dishes, chicken paella, a smoked brisket, and vegetarian pad thai.

Whet your whistle with these two Raboso wines:

Col di Luna Flora Rosato Spumante NV

A trifecta of spice, brambly fruit, and a rather energetic acidity! This is the traditional col fondo style, and you’ll notice a bit of ‘fondo’, or sediment, in the bottle.

Paladin Wines Sparkling Raboso Fiore

Veneto’s sassy answer to Lambrusco, this sparkling red is fresh and lovely, with perfumed red cherries and violets and an irresistible softness on the palate.

Photo courtesy of Serendipity Wines