- Biodynamic

Champagne Philippe Lancelot
Philippe Lancelot is a winemaker who is coming into his own. His family Domaine, Y. Lancelot-Wanner, was first established in 1961 by his grandfather. Philippe first became attracted to organic and biodynamic vineyard work after tasting wines from the 1995 vintage from Fleury in the Cotes de Bar. He felt that the wines had an added energy that he hadn’t encountered in other Champagnes. With the advice of Hervé Jestin of Champagne Leclerc Briant, who he considers his spiritual father, and the assistance of Johann Gruson, a soil specialist, Philippe has now fully embraced biodynamic principles, utilizing 500 and 501 preparations, along with essential oils (orange, lemon, etc.) and natural plant applications of comfrey, dandelion, stinging nettle, etc. to treat his vines. In some years, (eg. 2020 & 2021) he has even managed to eliminate copper sulfate treatments from the vineyard and reduce the use of sulfur in his winemaking. His motto is “nature is well done, surely there is nothing better.”
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