What's Your Pouroscope? Aries Edition
The cosmic calendar is ready for a new zodiac cycle, as the sun returns to 0° Aries. Which also means we’re ringing in the season with the Spring Equinox, which is a great time to reset. This is a time for reflection and figuring out what direction you truly want your life to head in. You’re looking for balance in all aspects. On top of that, everyone will be impulsive, especially with Mars - the planet of desire, passion, aggression - and Uranus - the planet of breakthroughs, breakdowns, and restlessness - square off with each other. With Aries energy vibing around us, find moments to truly center yourself. Luckily, we’ve got you covered with a collection of star sign inspired wines. Check them out below, along with our new Aries Season playlist on Spotify, where you’ll find a stellar collection of tunes to keep you groovin’ all month long.

Happy Birthday Aries! The Sun is shining on you once again, which is exactly how you like it! Dust off the sleepy Pisces vibes, and allow the things you’re passionate about to guide your way. After a bit of introspection, share your ideas and passions with others. There’s nothing you can't do when you’re feeling this energetic and ready to celebrate! There might be some tension, with Mars and Uranus squaring off, which may lead to short tempers. Remember to keep your cool as these tensions will pass.
You Should Listen: “Let The Games Begin" by AJR
You Should Drink: Black Button Four Grain Straight Bourbon 750ml
Aries is bringing you peaceful vibes. You’ll crave those private moments that only come from taking time off and really centering yourself while finding time to rest. Reconnect with your inner circle of friends. You’re feeling impulsive so make sure to get a second opinion before making a rash decision. BUT, if you happen to find yourself in a situation that is no longer functioning, this energy will lend a hand to making changes you didn’t think were possible.
You Should Listen: “Here" by Alessia CaraYou Should Drink: Mas Martinet Menut Priorat 2019
It’s time to connect with others, as your friendship sector is getting a little sunshine. Reach out to people who share interest in the same hobbies and topics. These connections can lead to new career opportunities, which could inspire your next professional move. You’ve been on a roll with an abundance of new ideas, and it’s time to put them into fruition. Looks like this is going to be a busy month for you Gemini!
You Should Listen: “Sunflower Seeds" by Bryce Vine
You Should Drink: Karim Vionnet Chenas 2018
This is going to be quite an exciting time for you Cancer! You seem to have a lot in the works career-wise, whether it’s publishing new work, or finishing the seemingly never ending stack of paperwork. Communicate and celebrate your victories, big and small, as you’re craving a little recognition for all your accomplishments. Be on the lookout for potential drama in your social life as you find yourself piqued by others’ lack of effort or inability to meet expectations. Aim for flexibility and avoid micromanaging.
You Should Listen: “Raising Hell" by Kesha, Big Freedia
You Should Drink: Segretum Cinino Rosato Frizzante 2020
You’re feeling quite adventurous Leo, as the sun enters your fellow fire sign, Aries. You may find yourself planning a trip as your urge to explore new things raises its head. With Mercury and Neptune meeting, you’ll be feeling both logical and connected to your inner voice. Balancing the two may feel like a challenge, but trust your instincts instead of overthinking everything.
You Should Listen: “Freakin' Out On the Interstate" by Briston Maroney
You Should Drink: Paladin Wines Syrah 2016
You’ve been avoiding taking a serious look at your finances, but Aries season is giving all the motivation to take action. This is also the perfect moment to assess how you and your partner share money and belongings with each other. While you love helping others, it’s important to find a balance so you aren’t taken advantage of, even by loved ones. With Mercury, the communications planet, entering Aries, addressing these topics will seem easier. Create a plan on how to fairly split your responsibilities, whatever that may look like for you.
You Should Listen: “7 rings" by Ariana Grande
You Should Drink: Crafted Artisan Meadery Dragon Heart Mead
With the sun in your opposite sign, Aries, your relationships are taking precedence. Get out and meet new people! Deepen your existing relationships! You may feel slightly out of step in some of your relationships, as Mars and Uranus square off, which may lead to some impulsivity or anger. Create some time to explore your emotions in a healthy way, whether that looks like journaling, having a deep convo with someone, or just dancing it out.
You Should Listen: “Favorite T-Shirt" by Jake Scott
You Should Drink: Gertie & Max Regent Trocken 2018
It’s time to get organized Scorpio! During your organizing binge, you may be reminded of what’s important to you. This is an excellent time to reflect on your values, create boundaries for yourself and others, and raise expectations for yourself. If your job is no longer satisfying it may be time to look for a new opportunity. You’ll be in heavy research mode, so go in depth looking for something fulfilling that will provide you with room to grow.
You Should Listen: “Beginning Middle End" by Leah Nobel
You Should Drink: Pierre Richard La Chouette Cotes du Jura 2019
Sparks are flying in your romantic sector! If you have a crush, now is a great time to make a move. If you’re already in a relationship, reignite the passion by having a date night. You’ll be feeling quite artistic, which can be channeled into your relationships, home, or career. Spontaneity and impulsivity are your go to this month, meaning both exciting and serious conversations are coming your way. Find a moment to center yourself with all the good chaos surrounding you.
You Should Listen: “Strip That Down" by Liam Payne, Quavo
You Should Drink: Ballyhoo Port Cask Irish Whiskey
You’re feeling curious and open-minded this Aries season. You’ll have new ideas popping up left and right, which will lead to a busy schedule as you try to get them in the works. Be open to criticism and advice as people try to help your ideas become reality. Have a firm notion of your worth, and be prepared to negotiate until your expectations are met.
You Should Listen: “Know Your Worth" by Khalid, Disclosure
You Should Drink: Folk Machine Jeanne D'Arc 2020
A feeling of liberation and freedom is the energy you’re receiving this Aries season. You’re ready to leave the past behind, no longer allowing it to define who you are. You’ll find inspiration through creativity, especially when connecting with those who are also creatively inclined. This release of your past, will help you feel sharp and focused, which is an improvement from the fog you’ve been in lately. It’ll especially show in your work and personal relationships.
You Should Listen: “The Search" by NF
You Should Drink: Asara Estate Chenin Blanc 2018
With the sun no longer shining on Pisces, you’re seeing things in a different light. You’re feeling a bit experimental and willing to be flexible in your approach to new things. You’ll have an urge to reflect on your commitments as Venus and Saturn meet. Be honest with yourself about any fears and anxieties you’re struggling with in your relationships. Create time to communicate these concerns with your love ones, and find a way to work through them.
You Should Listen: “Fresh Eyes" by Andy Grammer
You Should Drink: Markus Huls Estate Mosel Riesling 2020